Saturday, December 13, 2014

An innocent comment......

Many years ago before I became a father I loved to dress in the latest fashion.

My sons are now young men making their way in this world and that now leaves ample time and a little more money for me.

As a result, I have rekindled my interest in clothes but the years have not always been kind to this guy's waistline. So I decided to start running (for other reasons to) and lifting. I have lost 18 pounds since this past July.

I decided to avoid the trap of my past behavior and now I would do the opposite: I threw out my "fat clothes" in order to keep the "pressure" on not to gain the weight back.

Over the past few weeks and months I have "discovered" Gilt and The Rack. I started a subscription to Esquire, Men's Fitness and Runner's World and a few fashion blogs. I have started building my wardrobe again.

There is no mistaking the confidence that comes with losing weight, lifting weights, competing in races and wearing fashionable clothes.

Recently, I bought a nice pair of monk strap shoes, slacks and a shirt off Gilt. In addition, I purchased my first scarf ever and paired it with a classic blue blazer. The confident stride echoed down the hallway as I made my way to my office. The person in the next office said "I knew you were dressed sharp today because I could hear you walking."

I haven't received so many compliments in a long time as I have over the past severals weeks.

It is a nice feeling and I don't plan on losing it again......